First off all you need to know how to find real time information about air-pollution, soo I was searching around and then I found a fantastic site: it shows you almost real time reports about our air pollution and gives you tips about pollution decreasing.

This is a very importent theme, I adore fireworks but since i began to decrease pollution I was only thinking how to stop it. Beacouse I love fireworks like all you out there but when all that rubbish falls to the ground and the smoke pollute the air, I actually get very sad. Everyone of you knows that smell that comes from the fireworks at evening, it smells terrible and It`s actually terrible to be out at that evening. I have totelly stopped with fireworks beacouse then pollute the air teribble much!

 Here some examples.

Look at this picture and in the left corner you see very much smoke, and that is just one firework rocket.

 At the first site you will see a powerpoint lightshow presentation where is says about how you may decrease pollution.l